Now now, before you get your flags out, I just want to say that I adore Lebanon. It's a gorgeous country with great people, hot women and so much more. A good example of which is the lady to my right, who I still think is the prettiest Miss Lebanon of recent years, Clemence Ashkar.
But what the fuck is up with the driving?
I was in Beirut a couple of weeks ago (for the first time might I add, so those who think my awe is old news, just bear with me) and was shocked to find that people don't wear seat belts, don't stop at traffic lights, and don't even blink at one-way signs.
No one stops at most traffic lights, but there are certain traffic lights that everyone stops at. What the fuck? How does that make any sense? I asked a cab driver what the deal was with this insanity, to which he shrugged apathetically. He did, however, mention that he "didn't like" seatbelts, has never worn one in his 35 years as a cabbie, and thinks that there is "no need" for them in Lebanon. Well, with a populace that doesn't stop at traffic lights, I think that Lebanon is probably the place they need them most.
So I'm walking down a one-way street (in the direction of the traffic) when a scooter whizzes towards me (he's going the wrong way, against traffic), almost crashes into me, then swears at me for being in the way. All while a policeman idly puffs his cigarette and chuckles at the situation. Then the fucker drives off.
What is this madness?
LOL and everyone thought Kuwait is bad.
Clemece Ash'ar is beautiful!
Isn't she gorgeous? You know, I don't mean to brag about my good taste, but I totally chose her from the first round!
:* :*
Clemence Ashkar? This woman is so beautiful it's amazing.
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