Dear Readers,
As you may or may not know, a couple of days ago I created a group for my blog on Facebook. I'll be honest - I wanted to get the word out and have more clicks, more visitors, all things that would ultimately bring me at least a couple of steps closer to my goal of ruling the world.
Anyway. So I create the group, and invite my friends, and hit F5 every couple of hours (or minutes) to see how many new members join, how many people have been directed to the blog. Yes, I'm pretty sad. Then, all of a sudden, I see some girl (who claims to be Kuwaiti) without a profile picture has joined the group, and starts to curse at me in one wall post after another for apparently being "a jordanian-palestinian piece of shit" who is "ungrateful and doesn't deserve to live in Kuwait".
She went on and on. Meanwhile, I replied to her wall posting saying, respectfully, that she was entitled to her own opinion, but that there was no need for her to be rude. The blog is not meant to offend anyone - unless you work at the Arab Times or write for Cinescape, in which case my advice to you would be to take some English classes.
Seriously though, read through my blog, and you'll find that not once do I insult Kuwait, Kuwaiti culture, or anything of the sort. In fact, when the infamous Kuwait Times Article bashing Kuwait was published (albeit indirectly and under a supposedly honorable pretense), I wrote a letter to the Kuwait Times and defended the country.
Anyway, so I proceeded to kick her out of the group and ban her permanently. Little did I know, she'd created a topic on the Kuwait Network page (gasp!) bashing me, my group, and the blog. Of course, the rest of the network decided to join her in the cursing, mainly because they have no idea what the blog is about, least of all the fact that it DOES NOT OFFEND THIS COUNTRY.
So I click on her profile, and find that she only has one friend. Obviously, this led me to believe that this was a fake profile, probably someone I've pissed off in the past or something. So I report her to Facebook, and tell them about the blog, that it doesn't offend anyone, and that this person is cursing and bashing me for no good reason.
Within 10 minutes, her profile was deleted, as was the topic on the Network.
10 minutes.
Can you believe that?
yes i remember that girl... you have to actually thank her... because of her i even checked your group that is no longer there i think in facebook, and i noticed your blog that i gave a visit! so instead of being angry at her you should be happy she even got out there! ;)
Well I suppose all publicity is good publicity!
there r lots of sick people in this word
اقووول دع القافلة تسير وال شسمه يهوهو
انزين عالطاري انت ليش ما ترد عالتعليقات ولا تدش عندنا ابمدوناتنا
شكلي راح اقاطع مدونتك
Joy, your blog is open to invited readers only - and i'm not one of them!!
I actually tried to call a mutual friend to talk you into returning the group, and if you want more clicks I told you go to
submit, and that's it.....!!!
good luck anyways, and mona wrote more outrageous articles than the rape article.....!!!
I think now she is a candidate in the elections this year......!!!
She's written more!!?! I didn't know that! Send me links!
Haha.. Dude thats pretty cool.. Good job on the blog, pretty interesting stuff you got there.
Don't worry about all these idiots trying to bring you down. Keep it up.
Why bother about what people might think as long as you are walking your path and knowing that you haven’t wronged anyone. Let them waste their time and energy, and you sit back enjoying the idiotic acts.
10 minutes!! That’s some record, but doesn’t it mean that they haven’t actually looked into the matter and acted as alleged by your complaint. It seems to me that anyone may throw an accusation and have them suspended without any further investigation.
Boy, it is hard to write a comment knowing that it might backfire at me grammatically :)
As always an excellent posting.The
way you write is awesome.Thanks. Adding more information will be more useful.
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