According to The Daily Star's (Kuwait Edition) celebrity birthdays section, today (February 1st) sees the following celebrities grow a year older: Robert Paschall Jr (29), Big Boi (32), Lisa Marie Presley (39), Pauly Shore (39), Sherilyn Fenn (42), Rick James (59), and Sherman Hemsley (59).
The problem, dear readers, is that this information is highly ludicrous. And this is why:
1 - Has anyone ever heard of Robert Paschall Jr? Thats right, you haven't. Its because he is not a celebrity at all. He is an electrician. "Bobby" has contributed his stellar electrical know-how to such award winning audio-visual treats as "Power Rangers: Wild Force" and "Walker, Texas Ranger". I understand that our definition of celebrity is pretty blurred these days, but an electrician? Thats pushing it. Also, in my quest to find this obscure gentleman on the internet (and it was a difficult quest, spurred by mind-numbing boredom), i found out that his birthday is actually on the 31st of January. They couldn't even get that right.
2 - Rick James apparently celebrates his 59th birthday today. Well, there's just one problem with that: He died on August 6th 2004 - at the tender age of 56. It's funny that no one bothered to look that up prior to going to press..
3 - Sherman Hemsley (of "All in the family" & "The Jeffersons") actually turns 69 today, not 59 as printed in The Daily Star.
While I understand that, in truth, no one really cares about these minute details. But a respectable publication should! It is important to shed light on these issues: that way, you can look out for any more handymen and/or deceased celebrities in the next edition..
Robert Paschall Jr
It is a sad day when a fat guy, in his moms basement, tries to be funny. It is also sad that you spend so much time on the web and still don't know how it works. Hence, your internet search sucks. I made the short film "Bruised" a few years ago and won a bunch of awards for it. So I am a little known in the film world, a world you most not be a part of. As soon as someone can tell me who you are, I will listen to your cake hole. Until then, you should stop the crap from flowing out of your mouth. If you have a problem with that, let me know, we can talk about it.
Robert Paschall Jr
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