Pickpocket robs Kuwaiti: Police are looking for an unidentified pickpocket for stealing KD 750 and IDs of a Kuwaiti man, reports Al-Rai daily.
The incident took place in the waiting room of the Farwaniya Hospital.
Firstly, how difficult is it to steal 750 KD? Pretty damn difficult, considering the highest bill we have in Kuwait is a 20 - that makes 750 KD a sizable stack of notes. Either this guy was asleep, or he dropped his money. Either way, how are the cops looking for an "unidentified pickpocket"? I can tell you the result of the investigation now, if you like, using my psychic powers - which I like to call common sense.
‘Hot’ scenes found on Bangladeshi lover’s cell phone: A Bangladeshi man, whose identity has not been disclosed, has been arrested by police for trespassing into a private property with the intention of having sex with a maid, reports Al-Shahid daily.
The daily quoting security sources said the Kuwaiti owner of the house called police when he saw the man walking towards the maid’s room. A few moments later when he tiptoed to the room he heard the maid and the man giggling and called police.
When police arrived the Bangladeshi and the Filipino maid were caught in a compromising position. It has also been reported the Bangladeshi had filmed on his cell phone ‘hot’ scenes between him and the maid.
How the fuck is the title of this article at all a representation of the article itself? Shouldn't it have been "Bangladeshi lover nabbed in sex break-in" (which is probably the best the Arab Times could do - well, second best, considering the title they finally went for). I mean, "Hot scenes found on Bangladeshi lover's cellphone" implies that the guy may have dropped his phone somewhere, and some nosy passer-by picked it up and found the videos. It does not, however, imply that the guy broke into a house and had sex with the maid, then AFTER authorities arrested them, they found "hot" scenes on the phone. Am I going insane?
Also, why did the owner of the house "only" call the police when he saw the man walking towards the maid's room? Surely breaking and entering is a gross violation of the law. What, was he waiting to see what the guy would do? What if he had set the house on fire - what if he had a gun?
What a fucking idiot.
Kuwaiti in Jordanian’s ‘trap’: A 24-year-old Kuwaiti man has been arrested by the Jordanian police in connection with a traffic accident in Amman, reports Al-Dar daily.
However, according to available reports it is the Jordanian who collided with the vehicle of the Kuwaiti from the rear. The car of the Jordanian then hit a road barrier and went up in flames.
The Jordanian has been reportedly admitted to a hospital although he is not suffering from any injuries. The brother of the victim also said the Jordanian is demanding money for his car although according to a police report and eyewitnesses the accident was caused by the Jordanian.
This article makes no sense, although you can see that our resident moron friends at the Arab Times are attempting to be sympathetic to the Kuwaiti - hence the title. Where exactly is this "trap" they speak of?
So the guy was rushed to hospital after his car went up in flames? BIG FUCKING DEAL. Isn't that what usually happens all over the world? It even happens here in Kuwait! And how the fuck would the Arab Times know that the guy didn't have any injuries? EVEN IF THERE WERE NO VISIBLE INJURIES YOU STILL GO TO THE HOSPITAL AFTER A CAR ACCIDENT, ESPECIALLY ONE WHERE YOUR CAR BURSTS INTO FLAMES.
And, in Jordan (as well as everywhere else in the world), when you hit the rear of a car it is always your fault. Always. And this is what the investigators in Jordan will find. Whether or not the guy's brother is asking for money doesn't matter. Its still the Jordanian's fault. The article conveniently leaves out what the Jordanian authorities rules, and of course, we won't hear anything else about it, right?
Why try and put a controversial spin on something that is not at all controversial? Are you trying to sell more copies, Arab Times? Fuck off.
All live chickens stolen: Police are looking for unidentified person who allegedly broke into a poultry shop inside the Firdous Cooperative Society and stole live chickens worth KD 230, reports Al-Watan Arabic daily.
It has been reported when the owner of the shop came to work he was shocked to find one of the birds outside the shop and the bird cage empty.
As I know it, most Co-Ops in Kuwait are open 24/7, right? A luxury indeed... however, did no one notice some strange fucker holding a cage full of live chickens? And walking out the door no less? Even if the poultry shop was closed, the rest of the co-op must have been open.
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