Monday, April 13, 2009

Idiots in Kuwait: The Return?

So I'm checking my Statcounter (the thing that counts the number of hits you get), and I found out that I still average around 4-500 people a month. That's 4-500 people who read my blog. I know, I know, it's not much. But still, its alright considering I haven't updated it for over six months now.

So I have decided, based on popular demand, to return "Idiots in Kuwait" to the forefront of mediocre blogs in the country.

Missed me?


Freddie said...

I do miss reading this! yella blog away...

Anonymous said...

kick their ass.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog... I had naturally felt the same when I read the news in Arab Times.

Outstanding... you read the articles, read between the lines and put it down in words...

You have highlighted the unprofessional reporting, stupidity and injustice in the media in Kuwait.